
Saturday, January 31, 2015

Configuring Web IOU

Web IOU is a very useful software for novice network engineers as it provides the ability to simulate routers as well as switches and give you a simulation environment without taking much memory and processing power as GNS 3 does.

Steps to configure:

1. Create a virtual machine in VMWare Worskstation
          Download VM Ware Workstation. Clik Open under File and select the iou-web file.

2. VMWare Settings:
         In the virtual machine, click on Edit virtual machine settings. Make sure that you have a network adapter (VMNet1 Host Only) . This is a host only adapter which is used to connect to host machine as we need to use web browser in host to access the GUI.

3. Network Settings:
         A static ip address need to be provided to the virtual machine. Since, this is a linux machine, we can use the same command as we use in linux.

Also, In the Properties of your VMWare adapter(as highlighted below) listed in the network connections,set the ip address to and check whether you can ping the above configured ip address. If it pings then you have successfully configured the web-iou.

Sunday, January 4, 2015

Transfer files between Host OS and Mininet VM

It is possible to transfer files between mininet VM and the host OS. The protocol that is used for doing this is called SCP(Secure Copy Protocol).It is based on Secure Shell Protocol(SSH). It is a means of securely transferring computer files between a local host and and a remote host or between two remote hosts.

Follow the steps below to achieve this.

Step 1: Make sure that the mininet VM has a host-only network adapter configured.

In virtualbox network setting make sure that you have a NAT interface enabled that allows you to connect to internet. It will have an ip address like this : ie a class C address.

Step 2: Install WinSCP

Download WinSCP from this link (Download WinSCP) and install the program.

A window like below will appear after installation.

3. Enter the credentials and connect

File Protocol: SCP
Host Name : (or the ip in your host only adapter interface)
User name : mininet
Password : mininet

Click on Login. A window like below will appear.

Friday, January 2, 2015

NX-OS Overview

The cisco NX-OS , next generation operating system was built with modularity, resiliency and serviceability at its foundation. It is based on SAN-OS(Cisco Storage Area Network-Operating System).

Advantage of NX-OS:

1. Unified data center operating system: NX-OS can handle both LAN traffic and SAN traffic.

2. Robust and rich feature set with a variety of Cisco Innovations: Features like ISSU and             PSS(described later)

3. Flexibility and scalability :

4. Modularity : Virtual Device Contexts (VDC)

5. Virtualization :

6. Resiliency

7. IPv4 and IPv6 ip routing and multicast features

8.Comprehensive security , availability, serviceability and management features

Key Features and benefits of NX-OS

1.  Virtual Device Contexts: Available on Cisco Nexus 7000 switches only, these switches can be segmented into multiple virtual devices. These virtual devices function as independent switches and can run independent of each other. VDCs provide benefits like fault isolation, administration plane, seperation of data traffic and enhanced security.

2. Virtual Port Channels(VPCs) : This feature enables a server or switch to use an EtherChannel across two upstream switches without and STP blocked port to enable use of all available uplink bandwidth.

3. Continuous System Operation : Maintenance , upgrades and software certifications can be performed without service interruptions because of the modular nature of NX-OS and features such as In Service Software Upgrade and the ability for processes to restart dynamically.

4. Security : Cisco NX-OS provides outstanding data confidentiality and integrity, supporting standard IEEE 802.1AE link-layer cryptography with 128-bit Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) cryptography. In addition to CTS, there are many additional security features such as access control lists (ACLs) and port-security.

5. Overlay Transport Virtualization (OVT) : Enables layer 2 extension between distributed data centers over any transport layer 3 network.

6. NX-OS Persistant Storage Service :  The PSS is a lightweight database that maintains runtime information state. PSS provides reliable persistant storage to the software components to checkpoint their internal state and data structures enabling non-disruptive restart . If a fault occurs in a process such as OSPF the NX-OS high availability (HA) manager determines best recovery action.

  • Restart a process
  • Switch over to a redundant supervisor module
7. Fabric Path : This is similar to link state protocol which enables each device to build an overall view of the topology. Each device is identified by a swtich id. This eliminates spanning tree to maximize network bandwidth and flexibility.
For more datails on fabric path refer to : Fabric Path