
Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Named Pipe(FIFO) and Unnamed Pipe(Pipe) : Differences

Pipes are synchronized way of passing information between processes.


                         Unnamed Pipe(PIPE)
                                    Named Pipe(FIFO)
 They are unidirectional.
 They can be bidirectional.
They can only be used by related processes (parent/child or child/child having the same parent.)
They can be used by any process (unrelated processes.)
They are opened at the time of creation only.
They are not open at the time of creation.
They exist as long as the file descriptors are open.
They exist as directory entries
They are created by using the function pipe().
They are created by using the function mkfifo().
Eg: int pipe(int fd[2])
fd[0] – descriptor used for reading
fd[1] – descriptor used for writing
Eg: int mkfifo(char *path, mode_t mode)

Sunday, September 13, 2015

Character devices and Block devices

There are two main types of devices under Linux systems, block devices and character devices.

Character Devices
                                  Block Devices
The devices that conveys data character by character between the device and the user program.
The devices that read/write data in fixed size blocks.
Eg: Mouse, Keyboard
Eg: USB, Hard Disk
No buffering is performed
Block devices are accessed through a buffer
The first character is ‘c’ in the output of ls -l
cd to /dev and run the command ls -l
The first character is ‘b’ in the output of ls -l
cd to /dev and run the command ls -l

Saturday, September 5, 2015

Understanding Recursion

Recursion is a method where the solution to the problem depends on solution to smaller instances of the same problem.

The most common example for recursion is factorial. Let us see this with an example.

#include <stdio.h>

int factorial(int n){
    int F;
    printf("I am calculating the factorial of %d: ",n);
        return 1;
    F = n*factorial(n-1);
    printf("The calculation of factorial is done for %d\n",F);
    return F;

int main(){
  int n,result;

  printf("Enter the number to calculate the factorial \n");

  result = factorial(n);
  printf("The factorial is %d \n",result);

Can you guess what will be the output of this program, how the print statements are printed ?

Let's assume the number for which the factorial is to be calculated is 5.

factorial function is called with value 5--> the first printf statement is printed-->.The recursive function is then called with the value 5.

The calculation of 5*factorial(4) is paused as it needs to calculate the factorial first ie factorial(4).

So, it goes to beginning of function and the second printf statement is then printed -->factorial is called again with value 4,

The calculation 4*factorial(3) is paused as factorial(3) needs to be calculated first.

So, it goes to beginning of function and the third printf statement is then printed -->factorial is called again with value 3,

The calculation 3*factorial(2) is paused as factorial(2) needs to be calculated first.

So, it goes to beginning of function and the fourth printf statement is then printed -->factorial is called again with value 2,

The calculation 2*factorial(1) is paused as factorial(1) needs to be calculated first.

So, it goes to beginning of function and the fifth printf statement is then printed -->factorial is called again with value 1,

The calculation 1*factorial(0) is paused as factorial(0) needs to be calculated first.

So, it goes to beginning of function and the sixth printf statement is then printed. At this point n=0 and the value 1 is returned to factorial(0).

Now the paused calculations take place as follows:

Since factorial(0) =1,
The fifth calculation:factorial(1) = 1*factorial(0) =1 and the print statement is printed with n=1
The fourth calculation:factorial(2) = 2* factorial(1)=2 and the print statement is printed with n=2
The third calculation:factorial(3) = 3*factorial(2) =6 and the print statement is printed with n=3
The second calculation:factorial(4) = 4*factorial(3) = 24 and the print statement is printed with n=4
The first calculation:factorial(5) = 5*factorial(4) =120 and the print statement is printed with n=5

Finally F =120 and the value is printed.

The final output looks like this:

Enter the number to calculate the factorial: 5
I am calculating the factorial of 5
I am calculating the factorial of 4
I am calculating the factorial of 3
I am calculating the factorial of 2
I am calculating the factorial of 1
I am calculating the factorial of 0
The calculation of factorial is done for 1
The calculation of factorial is done for 2
The calculation of factorial is done for 3
The calculation of factorial is done for 4
The calculation of factorial is done for 5
The factorial is 120